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Gamesmanship and Regime Shift:The Multiple Faces of Yenching University in 1949
作者 張德明
With the shift of national power from the Kuomintang to the Communist regime, Yenching University, its Board of Trustees in America, and the Chinese Communist Party played a game around the management of school affairs in 1949. Most of Yenching’s teachers and students chose to stay in Peiping. The CCP adopted a policy to maintain the status quo, provide certain economic assistance, and allow Yenching University to continue to use funds from the United States. Thus Yenching’s teaching atmosphere could be maintained as normal, and it enjoyed academic freedom and religious freedom. The Chinese and foreign staff represented by Lu Zhiwei (Luh Chih-wei) and Bliss M. Wiant engaged a power struggle, but finally the new school affairs committee was set up, and the Chinese side gained actual control. Most of the teachers and students at Yenching University supported the CCP, but some stayed on the sidelines and thought that academia had little to do with politics. Missionaries and Christians at Yenching University had doubts about the CCP’s adherence to atheism, but they were actively seeking integration with the new era. The many changes at Yenching University in 1949 came about through active and passive choices. The CCP, the Board of Trustees in America, and Yenching University also adjusted and adapted in time according to their different situations. There were many twists and turns, especially the contradictions between the two sides on the issues of funding and religion. The future of Yenching University was foreshadowed in these circumstances.
起訖頁 111-156
關鍵詞 燕京大學陸志韋美國托事部基督教中共Yenching UniversityLu Zhiwei (Luh Chih-wei)Board of Trustees in AmericaChristianityChinese Communist Party (CCP)
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 202012 (110期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 山東濰縣拘留營的日常飲食面向:以英籍外僑的視角為中心(1943-1945)
該期刊-下一篇 張寧,《異國事物的轉譯:近代上海的跑馬、跑狗與回力球賽》




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