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Dual-Identity Incompatibility as a Cause of Radicalization: A Case Study of Hong Kong
Dual-Identity Incompatibility as a Cause of Radicalization: A Case Study of Hong Kong
This study focuses on increasing support for radical means among the Hong Kong youth. Previous studies have suggested the incompatibility between two components of a dual identity as a cause of radicalization, yet few have explored the mechanics of this process in detail. This study employs qualitative methods to investigate how the growing incompatibility between the identity of Hong Kong citizens as Hongkongers and as Chinese may contribute to radicalization among tertiary students. This study first conducted quantitative analyses to confirm the positive relationship between identity incompatibility and support for radical means. Past research has argued that nested identities should not be perceived as mutually exclusive. However, qualitative interviews revealed that some respondents did perceive the two identities in zero-sum terms and saw mainland China as a “cultural other.” Our study distinguished these two types of identity incompatibilities as either an “ambiguous incompatibility” or a “manifest incompatibility.” We propose that a “manifest incompatibility” has contributed to radicalization through three pathways: (1) pathways defined by the need for an identity, (2) emotional pathways, and (3) ideological pathways. Support for radical means is likely driven by a variety of factors that include perceived threats to a local identity, the negative emotions that accompany identity incompatibility, and the adoption of a new ideology that involves the rejection of previously accepted moral principles. By illuminating the possible mechanisms that explain how identity incompatibility may lead to a rise in support for the use of radical means, this study not only contributes to the theoretical discussion on radicalization but also sheds light on the widespread participation in recent protests in Hong Kong.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 Social movementsHong Kong studiesyouth studies
刊名 Issues & Studies  
期數 202103 (57:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 Building a Hyper-Stability Structure: The Mechanisms of Social Stability Maintenance in Xi’s China




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