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The Influence of Sign Language Experience on Imagery Abilities
作者 邱倚璿
Purpose: In sign language, visual-spatial spaces are used to represent grammar rules to achieve language communication. This study examined whether the signers who had learned Taiwanese Sign Language (TSL) had different internal mental imagery processing than those who had no experience in sign languages. Methods: In this study, Chinese numerals were employed as probes in the experiment on internal mental images. The participants were required to form mental images corresponding to Arabic numbers in a 4 × 5 grid. After a period of delay (interstimulus interval [ISI]), a target X appeared in one of the grids. The participants had to determine whether the position of the target item appeared in the previously generated mental image path by pressing buttons. The first within-subject variable was ISI. One group of ISI was formed for image generation (200 and 400 ms) and the other group was formed for image maintenance (800 and 2000 ms). The second within-subject variable was the positioning of the target X in the mental image (early-imaged and late-imaged segments). The division of mental images into early-imaged and late-imaged segments was conducted according to the order of strokes in each mental image. Furthermore, on the basis of the assumption of the sequential process in image generation, the difference between early-imaged and late-imaged segments was considered an indicator of the integrity of the mental image. If the participants completed their mental images, the difference between early-imaged and late-imaged segments disappeared. The experiment recruited 24 deaf signers, 19 hearing signers, and 24 hearing nonsigners to clarify the impact of hearing loss and sign language abilities. Results/ Findings: The results highlighted that during the image generation with ISI 200 ms, all participants demonstrated superior performance in the early-imaged segment condition. During the image generation with ISI 400 ms, the nonsigners still showed the effects of early-imaged and late-imaged segments. However, no differences were observed among signers in the early-imaged and late-imaged segments. This findings indicated that the signers had already produced a complete mental image by that time. When the mental image was maintained for 800 ms in the image maintenance task, the signers had a higher accuracy than the hearing nonsigners. However, the signers and nonsigners performed similarly when ISI 2000 ms was employed. The deaf signers and the hearing signers demonstrated similar performance patterns in both image tasks, highlighting the critical role played by experience in TSL. Conclusions/ Implications: Our findings revealed that experience in sign language proved advantageous for signers in terms of mental image generation and short-term mental image maintenance. The interaction of sign languages and spatial cognition could offer a more comprehensive view of how language shapes the mind.
起訖頁 85-103
關鍵詞 中文心像產生心像維持手語失聰∕聾人Chinese charactershearing impaired/deafimage generationimage maintenancesigned languages
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 202103 (46:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 那些年,我們一起追的女孩、男孩──兩位自閉症譜系青少年的追愛歷程之敘事探究




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