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The Industrial Property Supply and Development in the Netherlands
作者 林育慈
荷蘭工業用地的規劃與供給有其獨特性,地方政府採取「公有土地開發模式」(public land development model),將開發後土地出租或出售給廠商作為工業使用,確保產業投資者得在任何時間得以合理價格取得設廠所需用地。市政府為了引導都市土地使用與發展經濟,有計畫購買與儲備工業用地,而成為工業用地交易市場的一員,且市政府間存在競爭關係。程序上,市政府先購買土地,將鬆軟土質改良為可建地後,再出售給最終使用的廠商,其工業用地售價通常根據一般市場行情制定,並考量產業政策給予價格優惠吸引廠商設廠,市政府對工業土地的價格、區位、品質具有主導權。此種開發模式,發展迄今產生工業用地供給過剩、舊工業區隨著時間演變而老舊待活化、新開發工業用地的收益大過於棕地再利用的收益等問題,中央與地方政府的政策手段,則以創造公平的競爭環境為目標,提供誘因並加強管制,積極推動老舊工業用地以重劃方式進行再開發、引導棕地開發與都市內工業用地轉型,市中心廢棄廠房的活化再生,推動產業升級與都市再發展。
Dutch urban planning has received international recognition for the organization of land-use development in an integrated and comprehensive way. This integrated approach to planning is based on a public land development model. Defining feature of this approach is that the municipality purchases the land earmarked for development. The municipality then prepares the land for further development, before it sells the serviced land to developers and/or end users (e.g. industrial companies). Industrial land policies by Dutch cities are usually based on the same principles, but then combined with economic policies to attract companies to locate in the municipality. With this position of municipalities as market players on the land market - and fuelled by competition between cities to attract industrial firms - a special kind of market has been created, with impact on prices, locational quality and industrial companies' investment decisions and location strategies.
起訖頁 45-56
關鍵詞 工業用地公有地開發供給規劃體制industrial propertypublic land developmentsupplyspatial planning
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 202103 (19:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺北市住宅興建決定因素:市場特性、開發政策與土地產權的整合觀點
該期刊-下一篇 從亞洲四小龍到後疫情時代的產業用地政策挑戰:以編定工業區系統為例




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