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Relationship of Naval Logistics Officers' Professional Competency and Their Employability
作者 劉廷揚林育德盧宜孜
國軍展開募兵制變革,經常以「在軍中培養工作技能,習得一技之長」吸引適齡青年投身軍旅,但現況卻是民間勞動市場與部隊環境有相當差異,使得具有技術專長的軍人退伍後無法銜接社會專業需求,此一現象深化青年投身軍旅及退役軍人出路之憂慮。如能清楚呈現軍中所習得的專業職能,在退伍之後與社會上相關工作的銜接,一方面對於國軍招募有所助益,另則對提供軍民人才交流時彼此的認知有所幫助。故本文以海軍後勤補給專業為例,建構海軍補給官科軍官應具備職能,並探討社會就業市場與其相關職業職能,俾檢視軍旅職涯中培養之專長與社會就業力之對應。本文文獻綜述重點有四:軍中之後勤補給(Logistics)與職場上物流、倉管等之相關研究、職能(Competency)、就業力(Employability),以及職能與就業力之間的關聯性等。研究方法採用質性研究之德爾菲法(Delphi method),經探討文獻及訪談專家學者以獲取意見,建構職能調查題項;隨即以德爾菲法匯集專家意見,依照共識程度探討海軍補給官科軍官與社會就業市場上相關職業之職能基準及關聯性,建構補給官科軍官應具備職能及其與職場相關領域工作之間的異同。本研究發現海軍補給官科軍官應具備職能可分為兩類:共通職能分類為「個人特質」等8項、「技術能力」等7項及「人際關係」等3項;專業職能分類為「功能性專業」等8項及「行為性專業」等3項,依據前述研究結果,分別就職涯發展、甄選招募、績效管理、教育訓練,以及減少職場就業力之落差等方面,提出本研究建議。本研究之管理實務意涵在於分辨後勤補給專業軍官之專業職能,並對應民間職場相關領域需求,對海軍而言足以做為未來招募、徵選、專業訓練及職涯發展之參考基礎;對公私部門產業而言,可以據以檢視退伍轉職之後勤補給專業軍官之專業職能與組織需求之間的異同,進行教育訓練規劃、精進人員任用準確性,有利於人才之轉任移動。
Job skills training, skill acquisition is an important factor in attracting juvenile to join the army, but it`s also a reason that juvenile and veterans considered whether these technical abilities are able to fit in professionally social skill needs of workplaces after their retirement. Although the environment of the labor market is different from military, we would like to take professional military logistics as an example to discuss whether the competitiveness and prolificacy soldiers gained after military training is enough for employability. This research is exploring the relevance of employability for naval logistics officers bring up in their career. We use data mining and expert interviews to gather advices to revise questionnaire, and the Delphi method to collect verification to discuss what the professional skills naval logistics should have. And then inspect whether their career provided the competitiveness they need, further more to apply to recruiting, election, advanced training, and career development. To sum up, this research is mainly discussing the common functional competence in three facets, the profession functional competence in two facets, which naval logistics officers should gain in their career. According to the result of the research, we aggregated the advices for career development, election and recruiting, effectiveness management, training management and reduced skills and educational mismatch.
起訖頁 37-56
關鍵詞 海軍補給官科軍官專業職能共通職能就業力職涯發展naval logistics officersprofessional competenciescommon competenciesemployabilityDelphi techniquecareer development
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 202102 (19:1期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 公共政策網路參與平台之政策行銷功能探討以眾開講為例
該期刊-下一篇 對警察受理交通事故案件滿意度及其因素之研究──以雲林地區大學生為例




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