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Interprofessional Education through Structured Guiding Questions in Case Discussion of COVID-19
作者 劉子弘程紹智蘇文麟 (Wen-Lin Su)吳燿光
近十年來,台灣的跨領域團隊合作照護(interprofessional practice,IPP)概念逐漸落實,各大醫學院校也持續深化跨領域團隊合作教育(interprofessional education,IPE)。在國際上,以個案為基礎進行架構化的討論已被視為IPE可行且有效的做法,能提升學員對跨領域團隊合作的認知與態度,但在台灣卻少見文獻報告如何實作。本文將透過一個COVID-19重症的IPE教學活動案例,闡述教學醫院如何在既有的教案撰寫內容、課程進行模式上做出調整,將引導問題融入IPE之中,並納入團隊資源管理的精神,營造師生共學的教學環境。同時,我們分析師生對此教學活動的認知、評價及學員的學習成效,作為未來IPE教學活動持續改進的參考。期望能透過將架構化引導問題融入IPE,增進學員對團隊合作的認識,進而提升未來的病人照護品質。
In the recent decade, the concept of interprofessional practice (IPP) has been widely adopted by hospitals in Taiwan. Medical educators continued to promote interprofessional education (IPE) at medical schools and teaching hospitals. Case-based learning using structured guiding questions has been regarded internationally as one of the most feasible and effective ways to implement IPE. Interprofessional case-based learning can cultivate positive perceptions and attitudes toward team cooperation, but its best practice has been rarely reported in the literature in Taiwan. In this article, we would like to use a COVID-19 case to exemplify how educators could integrate structured guiding questions into IPE by modifying their teaching materials and lesson plans. The way we proposed also incorporates the idea of team resource management and builds a learning environment that promotes collective learning. Meanwhile, we studied how clinical teachers and trainees perceived interprofessional case-based learning, examined whether the trainees achieved the intended learning outcomes, and continued to improve the design of the learning activities. Through integrating structured guiding questions into IPE, we hope to increase trainees’ level of understanding of team collaboration and eventually better the health outcomes of patients.
起訖頁 417-423
關鍵詞 架構化引導問題跨領域團隊合作照護教育團隊資源管理學習成效structured guiding questionsinterprofessional educationteam resource managementlearning outcome
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 202105 (25:3期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 嵌合抗原受體T細胞(CAR-T)治療的發展與護理
該期刊-下一篇 降低剖腹探查手術病人平均住院天數之策略




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