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Mental Health Promotion during COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan
作者 吳佳儀李明濱廖士程
Under the intensive collaboration of the central government and general public, the general condition of the COVID-19 had minimal impacts on mental health of the general population during the one year of pandemic. However, the related comprehensive and negative impacts on the psychosocial and economic aspects among the vulnerable people had attracted the professional attention to prevent possible negative consequence on mental health even suicides. The common mental health issues included fatigue, isolated feelings, or severe depression, which were particularly to affect the vulnerable people such as neurotic traits, experience of being quarantined, waiting for testing, suspected victims, infected cases, first line health workers and those with financial problems, job loss, schooling, or family and interpersonal conflicts. The multiples stressors or mental problems could lead to suicide attempt or death. The negative health effects may become chronic and prolonged for years. Therefore, early detection, stress management and adequate interventions were very important for the people at risk to avoid the psychosocial impairment and to promote mental health and good quality of life. This article aimed to describe the COVID-19 related mental health problem nation-wide population telephone survey revealed little influence of the COVID-19 on the mental health of the general population during the pandemics, however, still half of the general population suffered from a variety of related stressors such as job loss, financial, interpersonal or family problems and physical or psychological health problems. Timely important adequate information and support were persistently provided by the authorized central commanding center and professional communities. A self-reported five-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale (BSRS-5) with App design was also provided to early identify the psychological distress or risks for mental disorder; the App contains psychological distress measurement, scoring and recommended available mental health resources.
起訖頁 365-372
關鍵詞 新冠肺炎疫情心理健康促進情緒困擾心情溫度計App壓力管理COVID-19 pandemicmental health promotionpsychological distressBSRS-5 Appstress management
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 202105 (25:3期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 COVID-19社區醫療防疫新模式
該期刊-下一篇 社區醫療在建立社區醫療防疫安全體系的角色




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