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An Analysis of Aizawa Seishisai's Construction of Jōi Thought
作者 郭雨穎
During the Japanese Bakumatsu era, with the frequent arrival of foreign ships, the arrogance of the jōi theory caused the intellectuals hold a high degree of generated high crisis consciousness of the invasion of Westerners (“The rude barbarians of the west 西夷”). That an understanding of Westerners ought to start from religion, as pointed out by Aizawa Seishisai 會澤正志齋, a scholar from the Later Mito School 後期水戶學, because Westerners used “religious teachings 教法” to achieve the goal of misguiding the populace. As a result, Aizawa's exclusionism based its construction on the criticism of Westerners' “religious teachings”; in addition to proclaiming Japan the superior “Shinshu 神州” (“Land of Gods”), he used “the principles of morality 人倫之道” to discriminate against those who were different from the Japanese. This paper examined the formation of jōi thought in the Later Mito School toward the end of the Edo Period, especially focusing on how Aizawa combined Confucian ethics and Shintoism to fight against Westerns' “religious teachings.” Aizawa was aware of the situation in which Western countries' national power was closely bound with religion; therefore, he used religion to depict national characteristics. Through the assimilation of Westerners' “religious teachings,” he put forward “Sokkyo 息距” and “Haja 破邪”, and at the same time used them as reference to imitate the idea of the “supreme god 至上神” in Western religion, creating the “Tensō 天祖” to fight against the “God 天主” and to win the hearts of the people, as they had gradually been turning aloof. In addition, Aizawa also resorted to “Martiary 尚武” to achieve expel rude barbarians of the west, in order to reinvigorate the majesty of Shogunate.
起訖頁 1-58
關鍵詞 會澤正志齋儒家倫理西夷教法天祖尚武Aizawa SeishisaiConfucian EthicsReligious TeachingsTensōMilitary
刊名 思與言  
期數 202006 (58:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-下一篇 「留守政府」時期外務卿副島種臣對外政策的檢討:臺灣「番地無主論」之形成與運用




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