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A Review on Food Deserts and a Case Study in Taiwan: Spatial Analysis of Fresh Food Accessibility in Taipei City
作者 郭乃文李崇恩
The term “food desert” refers to areas where residents cannot buy or afford fresh food. It often brings negative physical and psychological impacts on disadvantaged residents. It is a way of social exclusion, which has been widely examined in developed countries including cases in Europe, North America and Japan. However, there are not many papers discussing this problem in Taiwan. Therefore, we proposed a review of the food desert issue, and take Taipei City as research area to analyze the urban food system in Taiwan. We drew a map of fresh food accessibility and a map of a fresh food accessibility index (FFAI) which were weighted according to the age structure of the population. It is found that the areas with low food accessibility in Taipei appear to be in Yangming Mountain, Nangang Mountain, Wenshan Mountain, Zhoumei Area, Shezi Island, Guandu Plain, and sporadic areas within the city, etc. The latter three places especially require government attention, because the population size is larger than the mountainous areas, and about 10% of the population in Shilin and Beitou District live with a situation of FFAI = 0 (that is, there is no fresh food store within 1,000 meters). On the other hand, elderly living alone concentrate in Wanhua District, which is considered to be a “food oasis” area, but they generally have poor nutritional conditions. This is due to other factors, and further research is urgently needed.
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 食物沙漠生鮮食物可及性生鮮食物可及性指數(FFAI)空間分析food desertfresh foodaccessibilityfresh food accessibility index (FFAI)spatial analysis
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201911 (71期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-下一篇 淨爐儀式之田調與解讀:以臺北普安堂法教團為例




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