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Exploring the Domain of Information ''Users'': Semantic Analysis of Wikipedia Articles
作者 Soohyung Joo
本研究透過文本分析維基百科中的條目,以探索資訊使用者領域包含之概念與主題。本研究蒐集132則與資訊使用者有關之維基百科條目,運用多種文本分析方法,包括:字詞頻率分析(term frequency analysis)、潛在Dirichlet分配主題模型(Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic models)、階層式分群法(hierarchical clustering)、維度縮減(dimensional reduction)、詞語共現分析(term co-occurrence analysis)等,探索與資訊使用者有關之各種概念與主題。研究結果顯示,維基百科在資訊使用者領域中包含多元主題詞條,包括4種基本概念:使用者、行為、系統/科技、資訊物件。此外,本研究也分辨出此領域中的不同範圍,包含資訊搜尋行為、資訊檢索、人機互動、使用者體驗與人因等。
This study aims to explore the domain of information users based on the textual analysis of Wikipedia. The study collected 132 Wikipedia articles related to information users. Then, multiple existing methods of textual analysis were applied to explore prevalent concepts and topics in relation to information users. The text analysis methods applied in this study include: Term frequency analysis, the Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic models, hierarchical clustering, dimensional reduction, and term co-occurrence analysis. The findings reveal that Wikipedia covers various topics of the domain of information users. The domain of information users involves four fundamental concepts, including ''users,'' ''behaviors,'' ''systems/technology,'' and ''information objects.'' In addition, the study identifies different areas of the domain, ranging from information search behavior, information retrieval, humancomputer interaction, user experience, human factors, and to others.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 資訊使用者領域分析文本分析維基百科使用者研究Information UsersDomain AnalysisTextual AnalysisWikipediaUser Studies
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 202006 (18:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-下一篇 農業故事行銷傳播之量表之發展與驗證




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