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An Improvement Project to Reduce Re-admission of Acute Psychiatric Patients
作者 王翠彬宋素真劉麗英丁秀蓉
This project was implemented to reduce the hospital readmissions of the psychiatric patients. During November 2000 to April 2001, the readmission rate of our psychiatric ward was 27.6%. The major causes were loss of follow-up at the outpatient department (OPD), self-discontinuation or non-compliance to the medications, irregular living habit and lack of family support etc. After we examined all the psychiatric outpatient records among April to July 2001, twenty percent of them did not come back to visit. Moreover, a total of 38.9% of them needed rehospitalization. Thus, we developed a project team to improve the OPD follow-ups, reduce the rehospitalizations and optimize the medical resources through telephone interviews to the psychotics living in the Kaohsiung city and Kaohsiung county. Beginning from 20th of September 2001, our result showed the rehospitalization rates was reduced from 27.6% to 10.3% within half a year. The hospital expenditures also decreased from NT$ 3,312,414 dollars of 54 patients resulted from a 63% reductions. The patient visits increased from 80.2% to 94.4% at the psychotic outpatient department. In conclusion, our result obviously demonstrated an improvement to the readmission rate and optimization of the medical resources. It is worthy to provide a routine telephone interviews for the benefits of all the discharged psychiatric patient in the future.
起訖頁 353-361
關鍵詞 精神病患重覆住院電話追蹤psychiatric patientreadmissiontelephone interview
刊名 榮總護理  
期數 200212 (19:4期)
出版單位 榮總護理雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 生物科技世代對護理發展的衝擊與因應
該期刊-下一篇 精神復健於慢性精神分裂病患之護理經驗--個案研討




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