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The Development of Case Management for Eplilepsy Children Health Care in School Health Nursing
作者 黃淳霞于漱尹祚芊
This article aims to develop case management (also called CARE map) for epileptic children's health care in school health nursing. Through the effective case management process, school health nurses, school teachers, parents as well as children can understand this ailment, and its treatment and health care. In addition, through the application of case management, it would provide a holistic nursing care in caring for epileptic school children. The process of developing the case management care consists of: (1) developing a care map which begins from identifying clients, setting goals, planning the nursing care management process, to the termination of case management; (2) developing the instruments of case management including basic data, nursing guidelines, nursing records, prescription medication statements, referral sheet (to parents and related personnel and institutions). The authors hope that through the care map and the establishment of case management instruments, the quality of health care of epileptic school children can be improved and school health nurses' professional competencies in caring for epileptic school children can be enchanced.
起訖頁 146-152
關鍵詞 個案管理癲癇學童照護藍圖
刊名 榮總護理  
期數 200206 (19:2期)
出版單位 榮總護理雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 個案管理模式在婦癌病患照護之實施概況
該期刊-下一篇 初任癌症照護護理人員之主觀經驗與調適




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