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Exploring the Fear of Taxi-taking and Its Related Factors
作者 張新立賴怡安
本研究以不同之計程車搭乘情境設計量表,並以臺北市667位受訪民眾為實證研究對象,探討民眾對搭乘計程之恐懼程度,並檢討與計程車搭乘恐懼感有關之因素。本研究採用試題反應理論(Item Response Theory,IRT)中之Rasch模式,將原始得分之順位尺度資料轉換成具等距尺度特性之得分,進行「受測者之搭乘恐懼」與「搭乘情境之恐懼抗拒力」分析;資料之配適度顯示,本所究所發展之計程車搭乘恐懼量表不論在信度與效度上均有不錯的表現,是一個值得推廣應用之量表。本研究另發現部分構面確實存在IRT中之「差異試題功能(Differential Item Functioning,DIF)」現象,必須分別討論男性與女性搭乘計程車之恐懼程度及相關因素。研究結果顯示,收入較低、受害風險感認較高、常接收到外來訊息刺激及自我控制感較低之計程車搭乘者,均具有顯著較高之恐懼感。另有男伴同行、車隊或品牌計程車及自行撥召之計程車等,均能降低民眾對搭乘計程車之恐懼。
A scale to measure the fear of taxi taking was designed and tested in this study. Through face-to-face survey, 667 effective samples were collected in Taipei city to verify the reliability and validity of the developed measurement instrument. The Rasch model, which can convert the raw ordinal data onto interval values, was employed to estimate the item parameter (situation making people afraid) and person parameters (personal f ear of taking taxi). Due to the existence of differential item .functioning (DIF), two measuring models were estimated separately for male and female taxi passengers respectively. The study results show the developed questionnaire is fairly appropriate in terms of model reliability and validity. The low income persons and those who possessed higher risk perception of crime, lower perception of self-control, or more stimuli of outside information are found to have higher degree of fear. Those who accompanied by male passengers, well-recognized taxis, or dial-a-ride service lend to reduce people's fear of taking taxi.
起訖頁 407-434
關鍵詞 計程車受害恐懼感Rasch模式差異試題功能TaxiFear of crimeRasch modelDifferential item functioning
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 201212 (24:4期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-下一篇 探討高鐵實施不同票種之價格促銷方案對小汽車駕駛人運具選擇行為的影響




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