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Effect of Satisfaction and Switching Barriers on Airline Passengers' Behavioral Intentions from a Non-linear Relationship Perspective: A Case Study of the Taiwan-Hong Kong Route
作者 黃昱凱
本文主要目的是藉由移轉障礙、滿意度與行為意向等變數構建尖點劇變模型來協助我們理解旅客選擇航空公司的決策過程,並藉由尖點劇變模型探討移轉障礙與滿意度影響旅客行為意向的非線性關係。首先利用驗證性因素分析與結構方程模型說明移轉障礙、滿意度與行為意向的結構關係外,並利用GEMCAT(General Multivariate Methodology for Estimating Catastrophe Models)演算法校估尖點劇變模型的參數,並經由尖點劇變模型的特徵進行質性分析,藉此探討當外在行銷環境變化進而改變移轉障礙對於行銷策略的影響。由分析得知當消費者具有較高的移轉障礙時,任何有關滿意度的行銷策略將較不易收到影響消費者行為意向的目標。最後,作者針對研究發現分別進行理論與實務的討論,期望能對於航空公司的行銷策略規劃人員有所助益。
This paper seeks to improve the understanding for air passengers' decision-making processes by testing a conceptual model that considers satisfaction, switching barriers, and behavioral intentions. A cusp catastrophe model of consumer behavior is developed to describe the nonlinear relationships of both satisfaction and switching barriers on behavioral intention. We explore the relationships between satisfaction, switching barriers and behavioral intention through using CFA and SEM. Secondly. GEMCAT (General Multivariate Methodology for Estimating Catastrophe Models) is employed to estimate the cusp catastrophe model using the research data. The qualitative model is instrumental in planning a strategy for a changing market environment characterized by inflation and decreasing switching barriers. With high switching barriers, whether a person is satisfied or dissatisfied, it is very difficult to change to the opposite state. Finally, we discuss the findings from both the theoretical and managerial perspectives and provide directions for future research.
起訖頁 199-226
關鍵詞 航空公司滿意度移轉障礙行為意向劇變模型AirlineSatisfactionSwitching barrierBehavioral intentionCatastrophe model
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 201206 (24:2期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-上一篇 貨損單位責任限制及其於鹿特丹規則之分析
該期刊-下一篇 可運用於塞車情況下的車輛偵測系統




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