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Formulation and Application of an Integrated Logistics Planning Model: A Case Study of TFT-LCD Industry
作者 汪進財鍾易詩陳美妤黃士軒
In a complex co-producing and competitive global market, an integrated logistics system would add significant value to a manufacturer; if the transportation service provided by third party logistics could be coordinated with the manufacturer's production process in which downstream market demand information is incorporated. Besides, the integrated logistics system can even become a major factor affecting the manufacturer's production strategy. This study formulated au integrated model to minimize the total cost of production and transportation. A roll-over approach was then adopted to solve the optimization problem so as to cope with uncertain demands. Results from the case study indicated that under an uncertain demand environment, the roll-over approach performed better than a one-time static decision approach. Furthermore, influenced by pricing gap between marine and air transportation, marine was still the major transportation mode. As to the distribution of the shipment, it is influenced not only by customers' demand hut also by the frequency of transportation services. In addition, the empirical study result also suggested that the increase of air freight transportation demand to Shanghai resulting from the direct cross-strait operation might not he as expected due to cost difference between marine and air transportation, although the willingness of using air transportation is increased.
起訖頁 369-389
關鍵詞 第三方物流滾動式求解法整合儲運Third party logisticsRoll over approachIntegrated logistics
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 201012 (22:4期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-下一篇 應用計數模式分析機車肇事行為




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