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Improvements on Post Licensing Management
作者 曾平毅黃益三
合格的駕駛人持有駕駛執照,應能符合體格體能狀況良好、了解交通法令與安全常識,以及駕駛技能純熟、等三項要求。但由於駕駛人的體格體能狀況、駕駛技能可能隨年齡增長而改變或甚至明顯退化,亦會因受傷、生病而有所變化,加以道路交通法令可能增訂或修改,駕駛人交通安全駕駛觀念必須強化,因此在駕駛人取得駕照一段期間後,針對駕駛人是否適宜駕駛汽車的條件持續監督,你監理單位管理駕駛人與駕照之一重要工作。然而,目前監理單位的駕照管理方式欠缺對民眾取得駕照復駕駛資格檢核之機制。本研究主要研析我國駕照管理現況問題,參酌先進國家駕照管理經驗,以研擬駕照管理評估無構體系與改善方案,並透過專家問卷,經以質化多準則群體決策方法(Group Decision-making with Multiple Qualitative Criteria,GDMQC)進行評估發現,「分齡與分級管理方式」為較適方案,且經估算實施後能有效減輕監理單位駕照業務量,同時兼顧「效率、便氏、教育」等功能,預期可有效改善我國駕照管理作業。
A driver must have a legal driver license, good health, enough knowledge of traffic laws and regulations, and good driving skills. However, driving skills may decline as drivers age or suffer from health problems. In addition, traffic laws and regulations may be revised anytime. For these reasons, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) should periodically reexamine drivers for license renewal. Taiwan does not have an adequate post-licensing management system and there is a need to lmprove the current system two promote traffic ssfety. This study discusses the current management problems and ways of improving the existing management system. Through a questionnaire survey of experts and an assessment through Group Decision-making with Multiple Qualitative Criteria (GDMQC), a graduated licensing system based on age and level of driving competence is considered to be the most appropriate approach. The implementation of such a management system can reduce the workload of DMV's licensing business. The new system will be efficient to run, convenient to the public, and an important tool for driver education. It should significantly improve the post-licensing management for our country.
起訖頁 411-435
關鍵詞 駕駛執照駕照管理駕照分級制度預備駕照質化多準則群體決策方法Driver licensePost-licensingGraduated licensing systemProvisional 1icenseGroup decision-making with mu1tiple qualitave criteria(GDMQC)
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 200312 (15:4期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-上一篇 環路線圈車輛偵測器之參數與佈設方式研討
該期刊-下一篇 國際散裝乾貨船市場報酬率波動特性與時間變動風險係數之研究




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