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Fogging System and Bottom Irrigation Used in Greenhouse Culture'East Elite'Winter
作者 陳玟旭宋妤
於設施下以直立式栽培'東英'西洋南瓜(Cucurbita maxima L.),定植於盛有50 L介質之容器中,於底部灌溉0 L (對照組)、4 L 或8 L (皆為節水處理)水量,並在營養生長期分別以田間容水量80%、60%與60%為灌溉標準,進行噴霧處理以及不噴霧處理,探討最佳灌溉模式。噴霧處理顯著降低植體葉片溫度,並降低葉片內CO2 濃度。於底部灌溉8L 水量且無噴灌者之植株株高、葉面積、光合速率、蒸散速率與果肉重皆較無底部灌溉亦無噴灌者顯著增加。在噴霧下於底部灌溉4 L 水量之水分利用效率最佳。於設施內使用噴霧,不僅降低葉溫,更能防止葉片處於過度蒸散狀態,使植株整體水分利用效率增加。
In this experiment, 'East Elite' Winter Squash (Cucurbita maxima L.) were vertically cultured in a 50 L container and based on the irrigation standard of 60% field water capacity in greenhouse. During vegetative growth stage, different bottom irrigation water amount (8, 4, 0 L) and fogging system were used to find the best watersaving management. Fogging treatment significantly reduced the temperature of leaves and stomata remained open while the net photosynthesis rate increased under fogging condition. The 8 L bottom irrigation treatment significantly increased the leaf area, plant height, net photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance and fruit quality. The 4 L bottom irrigation treatment with fogging had the best water use efficiency (WUE). Fogging system reduced the temperature of plants cultured in greenhouse and prevented plants from over-evaportranspiration. The WUE value was increased with fogging and bottom irrigation.
起訖頁 73-81
關鍵詞 土壤含水量水分利用效率葉溫光合作用參數氣孔
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 202006 (66:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 地表覆蓋資料對兔眼藍莓生長及雜草防治之影響
該期刊-下一篇 篩選乙烯不敏感性及長花朵壽命之長壽花




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