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Mothering via Queuing: Intensive responding-to-needs motherhood embodied in the purchase of masks
作者 平雨晨
COVID-19, which can spread between humans, has made people change their daily lives. In Taiwan, people have to wait in lines to buy face masks. It is noteworthy that these masks not only protect people from the disease but also reflect public imagination regarding sexuality. The major purchasers, according to my collection of data from social media, are women who are also mothers. Since these women wait in the queue to get masks not just for themselves but for their family, they have transformed the seemingly trivial, boring, and time-wasting process into a way of practicing motherhood. In other words, they have empowered themselves as mothers via queuing for masks in the midst of the pandemic. By conducting textual analysis on social media posts through the lens of Maslow's categories of needs and Sharon Hays' “intensive mothering,” this paper maintains that there is a kind of “intensive responding-to-needs motherhood,” which tries to meet socioculturally constructed as well as physical needs. In addition, this paper discusses the ideologies about gender and sexuality behind the posts which pour ridicule on the queuing phenomenon.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 新冠肺炎口罩馬斯洛社會文化密集回應需求母職COVID-19face maskintensive responding-to-needs motheringMaslowsociocultural
刊名 文化研究季刊  
期數 202103 (173期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 試論娛樂與分心:從18、19世紀的德語文學與德國哲學談起




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