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Had Other Things to Do! Sports Dropout Intention of the Senior High School Baseball Student Athletes
作者 林子堯葉明嘉李佳晏 (Chia-Yen Li)洪煌佳 (Huang-Chia Hung)
本研究目的主要探討高中棒球學生運動員的運動退出因素,以高中棒球學生運動員為對象進行問卷調查,獲得有效樣本 262 份。資料分析採用描述性統計與變異數分析,結果發現高中棒球學生運動員的運動退出意圖會受到不同背景而有不同,且高中棒球學生運動員運動退出與族群、家庭型態、家庭收入、父母教育程度以及學期成績息息相關。主要結論發現,高中棒球學生運動員在運動退出意圖中,以還有其他的事情要做成為考量之一。值得注意的是,原住民族高中棒球學生運動員的運動退出意圖較漢族高,但是,隨著運動參與年資愈長、學期成績愈佳、未來有想要從事體育相關工作者則會降低運動退出意圖。
The purpose of this study was to explore the factors of sport dropout among the senior high school baseball student athletes. A questionnaire survey was conducted with the senior high school baseball student athletes, and 262 valid samples were obtained. Data analysis adopted descriptive statistics and variance analysis. The results showed that intentions of sports dropout among the senior high school baseball student athletes varied by difference of backgrounds, ethnicity, family type, family income, parental education, and study grades. The main conclusion is that high school baseball student athletes are not interested in play baseball games because they have business of their own to deal with. It is worth noting that the aboriginal senior high school baseball student athletes have a higher intention to dropout from sports than the Han nationality. However, as the longer they participate in sports, the better the study performance, and the desire to engage in sports-related jobs in the future, the intention to dropout from sports will be reduced.
起訖頁 1-13
關鍵詞 教練原住民族生涯轉換CoachingIndigenous PeopleCareer Transition
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202103 (14期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-下一篇 運動專項參與對學童在基本運動能力的影響




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