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Preliminary survey on reptiles and amphibians in Hui-Sun Forest Recreation Area
作者 翁聖崴陳相伶
生物資源的調查是增進我們對地區生物多樣性保育的基礎工作,有助於了解各物種族群的變動情形,提供經營管理的依據。本研究旨在調查南投縣仁愛鄉惠蓀國家森林遊樂區兩棲爬蟲類資源及複查20年前所記錄臺灣瀕臨絕種金絲蛇(Amphiesma miyajimae)的存在與否。本研究於108年7月至8月,在園區內設置4區穿越線,並藉由目視遇測法、鳴叫計數法、陷阱捕捉法及路殺調查法調查兩棲爬蟲類,以比較不同調查方法的成效及優缺點,以及不同陷阱類型與捕捉地點的兩棲爬蟲類捕捉效率是否不同。本次調查共記錄兩棲類4科9種(301隻次),爬蟲類10科14種(34隻次),總計335隻次兩棲爬蟲類,並未發現金絲蛇。調查方法以目視遇測法成效最好,其次為鳴叫計數法。結果顯示不同陷阱類型的捕捉成效並無差異,惟本次陷阱捕獲之物種樣本數較少,仍需未來研究進一步查證。這些資訊將可以作為園區未來調查研究與保育的參考依據。
Survey of natural resources is fundamental for biodiversity conservation, and is critical for monitoring species population and distribution to inform effective management. In this study, we conducted a preliminary survey on reptiles and amphibians in Hui-Sun Forest Recreation Area, and checked the existence of Amphiesma miyajimae, an endangered species that was recorded 20 years ago in the recreation area. Amphibians and reptiles were surveyed from July to August of 2019 by transect survey (including visual encounter method and audio strip transects), funnel traps, and survey of road-killed animals at four transects. Efficiency of different survey methods was compared and Chi-square test was used to test whether capturing efficiency of amphibians and reptiles was affected by funnel trap types (including single-ended funnel traps and double-ended funnel traps) and trap locations. We recorded 301 amphibians (4 family, 9 species) and 34 reptiles (10 family, 14 species). However, we did not find any sign of Amphiesma miyajimae. The most prominent survey method was visual encounter method, followed by audio strip transects. Trapping efficiency of single-end funnel traps and double-end funnel traps were not significantly different. Trapping locations did not affect trapping efficiency. Because the number of species caught by traps was low, the results may need further validation.
起訖頁 177-187
關鍵詞 森林遊樂區目視遇測法鳴叫計數法陷阱捕捉法路殺調查法forest recreation areavisual encounter methodaudio strip transectsfunnel traps captureroad-killed
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 202012 (42:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 以林地土壤作為天然接種物對森氏櫟苗木根部真菌菌相之影響




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