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The Relative Usefulness of Analyst Forecasts and Management Forecasts in Business Valuation: Timing and Sequence of Forecasts
作者 程心瑤蔡宜芬
Since financial forecasts reflect the management's best estimations of a company's future financial position, operation results, and changes in cash flows, they are usually regarded as more relevant to the financial statement users. Therefore, the usefulness of financial forecasts to investors has been a crucial issue to the accounting academic. In general, there are two major sources of financial forecasts: one from the managements and the other one from the analysts. This study adopts the Ohlson (1995) model to examine the relative usefulness of analyst and management forecasts in the business valuation process. The empirical results reveal two major findings. First, managements' forecasts are more (less) useful than analysts' forecasts when the forecasts are made in the beginning (at the end) of the year. Second, firm size and the timing of forecasts influence the relative usefulness of management and analyst forecasts in different way. For large firms, for example, analysts' forecasts are more useful than managements' forecasts when the forecasts are made at the end of the year. For small firms, on the other hand, managements' forecasts are more useful than analysts' forecasts when the forecasts are made in the beginning of the year.
起訖頁 81-107
關鍵詞 分析師預測管理當局預測價值攸關性Ohlson模型Analyst forecastsManagement forecastsOhlson modelValue relevance
刊名 會計評論  
期數 200601 (42期)
出版單位 國立政治大學會計系財團法人李先庚會計文教基金會
該期刊-上一篇 產品多樣性、不確定性與製造績效:晶圓代工廠商之實地實證研究
該期刊-下一篇 強制揭露員工紅利對盈餘影響資訊之政策效果評估




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