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Taiwanese Entertainment Brokerage Practices and China: An Alternative Political Economy Theoretical Framework
作者 張舒斐
2011年下半年,中國廣播電視電影總局嚴格執行的「限娛令」預計將很大程度地衝擊中國大陸的影視市場,此命令更凸顯出進入中國大陸電視場域及藝人經紀場域的台灣藝人經紀人的脆弱性與不確定性。此外,中國大陸的「以法而治(Rule by law)」的「人治」特性,讓場域中產生了很多模糊空間,這種模糊空間也成了不同權力交鋒與反抗權力的地方。本研究期望提出一個互補但又不相斥的理論架構來研究台灣藝人經紀人在中國大陸的工作實務:Pierre Bourdieu的政治經濟學觀點、James C. Scott的公開文本(public transcript)以及隱藏文本(hidden transcript),以及中國社會的關係等概念,分別被用來了解場域中看不見的控制與在官方的政策下,如何與中國大陸電視台或製作單位進行協商,以順從與反抗的偽裝去獲取最大利益,或將損失減到最低?還有行動者如何運用關係去影響場域中的權力關係。
During the second half of 2011, the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television issued an order to reduce TV entertainment. Relevant experts expect that this will affect the Chinese broadcasting market. This order also emphasize the vulnerability and uncertainty that Taiwanese entertainment brokers face in the TV and cultural brokering fields. A significant characteristic of Chinese society is that it is ruled by law, rather than by the rule of law. This characteristic cultivates a blurred space for the competition of different powers and a space for resisting power. This study combines Western theory with Chinese concepts to develop a theoretical framework consisting of Pierre Bourdieu's political economy perspective, James Scott's notions of hidden transcripts, and the Chinese concept of guanxi. These concepts are used to examine invisible control in the two fields, to show how the weak use obedience and resistance in the negotiation processes and adopt disguises to maximize benefits or minimize losses, and to analyze how actors use guanxi to affect power relations in these fields.
起訖頁 165-191
關鍵詞 藝人經紀實務場域隱藏文本關係Entertainment brokerageFieldHidden transcriptsQuanxi
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201301 (114期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 從數位學習到新素養:電子書閱讀器對高中生社群的可能影響
該期刊-下一篇 當繪本敘事遇上傳播:評析「繪本研究新方向」




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