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Industrial Policy and Business Management: Development of Automobile Industry in Taiwan (1950-1970)
作者 洪紹洋
本論文從企業史的角度出發,以1950-1970年代臺灣汽車業規模最大的兩家企業――裕隆公司與福特六和公司進行討論,比較本土與外資企業經營時所採取的生產與行銷策略,並重新檢討產業政策所帶來的影響。 裕隆公司初期在臺灣整體工業能力低落的背景下,以自行生產零組件和成立子公司的方式來完成政府的自製率要求。原本政府採行獨佔性經營的策略扶植裕隆公司,但之後政府考量到供應量不足的問題,進而開放新廠商設立與部分進口,使得裕隆公司的市場受到壓縮。這樣的政策轉變,顯現出政府產業政策缺乏一致性。作為汽車業後起者的外資福特六和公司,因政府要求後進廠商的自製率必須與先進廠商具備相同的水準,該公司在短期內運用母公司既有的技術與生產經驗,促使品質能於短期間達到國際水準,讓福特六和公司與衛星工廠的產品能夠邁向出口之路。 透過兩家公司的發展經驗比較,可歸結出裕隆公司經驗是在進口替代政策下以滿足國內市場為導向,福特六和公司除了欲參與國內市場外,還進一步成為美國福特體系生產分工的一環。早期政府對汽車業的政策著重於國內生產至上的策略,僅要求中心工廠提升自製率,並未擴及到對周邊事業的扶植與考慮到小規模生產是否合乎經濟性,顯現出產業政策對組裝性產業的侷限性。
From the perspective of business history, this study investigated Taiwan' s two largest enterprises in automobile industry of the 1950s to 1970s, namely Yulon Motor Co., Ltd. and Ford Lio Ho Motor Co., Ltd. Specifically, comparison between them was made in terms of production and marketing strategies adopted by domestic and foreign-funded enterprises in their business operations. Moreover, the effects of government industrial policy were also reexamined. During the early years of industrial development when Taiwan had low overall industrial competency, Yulon achieved the local content rate imposed by the government through self-production of components and the establishment of a subsidiary company. Initially, the Taiwan government supported Yulon by granting it monopoly in its operations. However, owing to insufficient supply, the government subsequently opened the market to new manufacturers and allowed partial imports, thus shrinking the market originally monopolized by Yulon. Such changes indicated the lack of consistency in industrial policy of the government. Although the foreign-funded Ford Lio Ho was a latecomer in the automobile industry, it rapidly achieved international-level quality by using the existing technology and production experience of its parent company, Ford. In this way, it fulfilled the government requirement that new manufacturers joining the industry should achieve the same local content rate as that of existing ones; thus enabling the products of Ford Lio Ho and its satellite factory to be exported. Comparing the development experience of the above two automobile enterprises revealed that under the import substitution policy, Yulon was oriented toward supplying the domestic market, while Ford Lio Ho, besides participating in the local market, also became part of Ford' s US production system. In the early development of the automobile industry, the government gave greater priority to domestic production, requiring only the hub factories to improve local content rate. The lack of consideration for fostering peripheral businesses and not taking economic efficiency of small-scale productions into account are limitations of government policy imposed on the assembly industry.
起訖頁 137-176
關鍵詞 汽車裕隆公司福特六和公司產業政策自製率AutomobileYulon Motor Co.Ltd.Ford Lio Ho Motor Co.Ltd.Industrial PolicyLocal Content Rat
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 202012 (27:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 啖肉抑或食屍:臺灣日治初期的屍法實踐




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