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A Study of the Investor Sentiment on Stock Returns in Taiwan Listed Company
作者 趙理平王琮胤張阜民賴沂松
To measurethe investor sentiment, most scholars use market data and fewer scholars use direct sentiment indicator. In this paper, we discuss and compare these two methods. We adopt the Taiwan Consumer Confidence Index to represent the direct sentiment indicator. To capture the investor sentiment more precisely, we use principal component analysis to analyze some investor sentiment indicators, and then form a composite index of investor sentiment. These investor sentiment indicators include the market turnover rate, the ratio of margin/short sale and turnover ratio of three major institutional investors. We add direct and indirect sentiment indicators into Fama-French five-factor model respectively to explore the impact of investor sentiment on stock returns. Theempirical results showed that thecurrent and prior direct sentiment indicator hassignificantly effect in chemical industry. The current indirect sentiment indicator has significantly negative effect in most of electronics industries. The result shows that higher sentiment will cause less returns. The prediction of prior indirect sentiment indicator is not good. In summary, the consumer confidence index is not suitable for measuring investor sentiment, and thecurrent indirect sentiment indicator can explain the majority of industry returns.
起訖頁 54-73
關鍵詞 投資人情緒Fama-French五因子股票報酬Investor SentimentFama-French five-factor modelStock Returns
刊名 財金論文叢刊  
期數 202012 (33期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學財務金融系
該期刊-上一篇 股價泡沫預測與投資人行為偏誤:粗集理論之運用
該期刊-下一篇 台灣金融科技發展之現況與展望




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