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The Color of Desire: Interracial Romance and Racial Melancholia in Adrian Tomine's Shortcomings
The Color of Desire: Interracial Romance and Racial Melancholia in Adrian Tomine's Shortcomings
作者 Mei-Yu Tsai (Mei-Yu Tsai)
Drawing on David L. Eng and Shinhee Han's theory of racial melancholia, this essay investigates interracial romantic relationships in the context of racial abjection and Asian American identity in Adrian Tomine's graphic novel Shortcomings. The graphic novel depicts the two protagonists-Ben Tanaka and Miko Hayashi-as subjects of melancholia who attempt to engage in interracial relationships as a means of entering an imagined position in the white dominant American culture. However, Tomine understands the ''shortcomings'' of the Asian American-white romance by visually and verbally illustrating the legacy of racial, gender, and sexual power imbalances that have historically defined relationships between Asian and white Americans. Ben's and Miko's interracial relationships are rendered equally undesirable, for such relationships reveal the social basis of racial melancholia. To the extent that whiteness and racial melancholia permeate the interracial relationships in Shortcomings, Tomine shows that the egalitarian power of Alice's queer romance may offer opportunities for countering racial melancholia not through assimilating into white dominant culture but through the erotically charged yearnings for communal relationships with other Asians.
起訖頁 89-104
關鍵詞 racial melancholiainterracial romanceAsian American masculinityself-Orientalismgraphic novelsAdrian TomineShortcomings
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 202012 (14:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 (Be)longing and Otherness: China and the Mainland Chinese in Two Sinophone Malaysian Short Stories
該期刊-下一篇 憂鬱探戈:《情婦與鯨》宮籟書寫




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