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作者 郭中實杜耀明黃煜 (Yu Huang)陳芳怡
Geographical distance as a 'natural' attribute of news has always been systematically and artificially manipulated by media workers. This study investigated how various community newspapers select, interpret, and package events originating in places of varying distances. Contextualized in Hong Kong, the paper emphasize the relationships among three sets of variables: 1) Three types of newspapers (mass appeal, elite, and pro-establishment); 2) four news locales (local, China, Asian, and international); and 3) three content characteristics (power reliance, conflicting viewpoints, and problem attribution). To test our hypotheses, this study was conducted using a large-scale content analysis of all 14 daily newspapers in Hong Kong. Findings were mixed, but showing consistently that local news was systematically differentiated from non-local news. The differences are mainly regardingthe frequency of political authorities cited, presence of diversified opinions, and the likelihood of either individuals or institutions being blamed for social wrongs. Considerable variations were detected across different types of newspapers as well. In addition, we found that the growing influence of China's dominant ideology on the political life of Hong Kong has taken its toll on the territory's media practice.
起訖頁 195-235
關鍵詞 香港報紙地域距離權力依附觀點衝突責任歸咎News distanceCommunity newspaperPower relianceOpinion diversityProblem attribution
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201007 (104期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 「新亞洲電影」的打造與拆解
該期刊-下一篇 另類的新媒體文獻:「貓大屠殺」




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