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The origin and development of Thai Public Broadcasting Service
作者 洪貞玲
2008年1月,亞洲最稚嫩的公共媒體「泰國公共電視」(Thai Public Broadcasting Service)正式成立,引人注意。研究者赴泰國參訪,了解該國公共電視之成立背景、制度設計與目前進展。研究發現,泰國政局動盪之際,為解決前總理塔信所擁有電視台違約問題,再加上民間呼籲成立公共電視的呼聲,促使2006年政變後上台的軍政府立法成立公共電視。該國公共電視制度仿效英國,但為確保財源穩定,以菸酒稅收為公視主要經費來源;泰國公視特別重視公民社會,由各地區及公民團體代表組成閱聽人委員會,對公視節目進行監督與諮詢。泰國公視的設計有諸多值得肯定之處,但泰國政局不穩定、公視內部文化調整及人員培訓、以及公民社會對公視的缺乏認識,都形成公視發展的潛在困境。泰國公視這朵出於淤泥的水中蓮,是否能香遠益清、亭亭淨植,仍有待觀察。
In January 2008, Thai Public Broadcasting Service (TPBS) formally started operation. To understand this newest public media in Asian, the author visited Thailand and interview TPBS staff and scholars. The research finds that TPBS was transformed from a private TV station during the coup detat government in 2006 partly as a response to civic appeal for a public television. TPBS copied the BBC model and designed in some ways worthy of attention. TPBS get subsidy from cigarette and alcohol tax which ensures a stable financial source. TPBS tries to strengthen its relationship with the civil society by building an audience council which is responsible for overseeing TPBS programs and offering audience opinions. However, the TPBS faces a challenging future due to the instable political situation, the reorganization of this station and its following adjustment and, finally, Thai society's ignorance of public media.
起訖頁 295-325
關鍵詞 公民社會政變泰國公共電視電視制度Civil societyCoup detatTelevision systemThai public broadcasting serviceTPBS
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201001 (102期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 網絡作為澳門的另類公共領域
該期刊-下一篇 美國影視產業的聚合性質--藉電視法案Finsyn與PTAR立廢的政治經濟脈絡理解之




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