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The Nationalist Government Participated in the Exhibition of Chinese Art in the Soviet Union, 1939-1942
作者 許峰源
During the war of resistance against Japan, the Nationalist Government in order to obtain assistance from the Soviet Union and stabilize the friendly relations between each other, sent important cultural relics collected by the National Palace Museum and relevant institutions to Moscow to attend the''Exhibition of China Art''in 1939. These important cultural relics were displayed to the public in the Soviet Union, and caused a great response. This article uses archives preserved in the National Archives Administration, together with other relevant documents and information, to analyze the reasons behind the Nationalist Government participating in the Exhibition of Chinese Art. In addition to showing the splendid Chinese culture, there was also an attempt to show China's war situation to obtain international sympathy. After the Exhibition ended in Moscow, these precious cultural relics were moved to Leningrad to continue to display. Shortly after, with the outbreak of the German-Soviet war, the Nationalist Government tried to ship back these cultural relics as soon as possible and finally succeeded against all odds.
起訖頁 44-57
關鍵詞 國民政府故宮博物院中國藝術展覽會Nationalist GovernmentNational Palace MuseumExhibition of Chinese Art
刊名 檔案半年刊  
期數 201706 (16:1期)
出版單位 國家發展委員會檔案管理局
該期刊-上一篇 日本的大學檔案館現況──東京大學文書館的制度與組織
該期刊-下一篇 非破壞性分析於攝影材質保存的應用──以臺北市立美術館典藏郎靜山作品為例




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