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How newspapers frame political celebrity? The case of Ma Ying-jeou
作者 邱宜儀蘇蘅
It has been a commonplace among mass media in Taiwan that political celebrities garner attention for political performance as well as their personal lives. This study specifically focused on the analysis of Ying-Jeou Ma to learn the process of celebrification coupled with Gans description of the norms among news reporting. The questions this study primarily asked are how the politician, Ying- Jeou Ma's image has been constructed in the mainstream media; and how the three leading newspapers in Taiwan turned a public official into a celebrity and what impact the process of celebrification have caused on the more traditional political coverage. The results which were based on random sample news reporting in the past 10 years indicated that some newspapers have been followed a framing continuum, in which some news did indeed contain components of celebrification while others corresponded to a more traditional hard news. The results reflected no differences among three leading newspapers of reporting Ying-Jeou Ma's 'political styles' and 'parasocial interaction'. And on top of these, some novel tactic of adding new elements such as the politician's 'personal characteristics' have been increasing in the narratives. Nevertheless, the results indicated that growing presence within our media assures that the mass media in Taiwan has tendency to boast every facet of a politician's personal life into a glaring spotlight of the public sphere.
起訖頁 1-45
關鍵詞 新聞媒體政治名人新聞框架馬英九News mediaPolitical celebrityNews frameMa Ying-jeou
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 200904 (99期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-下一篇 重訪網路上的身份展演:以同志論壇MOTSS為分析對象




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