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A Historical Experiment with Deregulation: The Changes and Challenges of the Press after the Lifting of the Press Ban in Taiwan
作者 林麗雲
Amid Taiwan's political transition, the press ban was lifted in 1988. It was aimed at enhancing free competition, avoiding monopolies, and creating a healthy media environment. Since then, new problems have emerged, while old ones remained unsolved. Among these concerns, the questions of this paper include (1) how did de-regulation take place and, (2) how did the press change afterwards.According to the historical analyses of the paper, the press had been protected under the authoritarian regime and its structure, distorted. In lifting the ban, the government was inactive and favorable to the incumbents; however, deregulation has buried the seeds of crisis for the press. Without any regulation concerning concentration of ownership, internal democracy and market practices, the big newspapers soon won the competition by unfair practices. Owners of some big newspapers even used the press to express their political interests. The new comer, with its business backgrounds, also followed this kind of strategy by price-cutting and conducting prize-drawing campaigns. As the competition became tougher, the press became weaker and eventually started declining. Therefore, it can be concluded that in the political transition process, it is vital to lay out a regulatory framework in order to build a sound media environment.
起訖頁 183-212
關鍵詞 解禁報禁新聞政策新聞史DeregulationPress banPress policyPress history
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 200804 (95期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 當偏鄉社區遇見科技資源:以社會資本檢視九二一重建區數位機會中心的運作
該期刊-下一篇 自由報業誰買單?新聞與民主的再思考




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