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Quality-Unfolding and Dietary-Quality Improvement Effects of Nutrition Labeling
作者 萬鍾汶陳海菁
Nutrition labels have been part of the public information system of different countries to avoid the health risk associated with inadequate nutrient intake. Many researchers had examined consumers' perceptions and attitudes toward nutrition labels, but none has explained how the adjustment of their psychological perception on nutrition content induced changing in purchase behavior. Following Lancaster's model of characteristics and the conceptual model of Zarkin and Anderson (1992) and Love et al. (1995), this paper constructs a generalized theoretical model that introducing nutrition label information into food consumption decision problem. By differentiating nutrients into more healthier and less health characteristics, we carefully analyze how nutrition label information can influence consumers' perceived quality and then change their purchase behaviors. We further decompose the effect to be a quality-unfolding effect and a dietary-quality-improvement effect. Another important aspect to analyze the economic effects of nutrition label information is the validity of regulations. We conclude that when the regulations on nutrition labeling are mandatory, consumers are capable of obtaining their real optimal product combination via adjusting their purchasing decision. In contrast, when facing the voluntary regulation environment, producers of over-perceived quality would not provide nutrition labels for their products. Thus, consumers could not have their own optimal product combination because of incomplete quality information. Such situation may cause some deadweight loss.
起訖頁 199-216
關鍵詞 營養標示品質揭露效果膳食品質改善效果公共資訊nutrition label quality-unfolding effect dietary-quality- improvement effect public information
刊名 農業經濟  
期數 200306 (73期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
該期刊-上一篇 模型選擇與動態設定--以台灣漁產品需求為例




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