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A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Village Renewal-the German Experience
作者 劉健哲
Village renewal is a highly complicated and difficult task as well as a protracted and heavy job. We need to have long-term patience instead of expecting obvious results in a short period of time. A process of meticulous study and proper planning are required to meet various demands from villagers on village development. Therefore, how to "arouse people", integrate village resources with people's force and implement "citizen participation" in rural planning is the key to the success of village renewal. Village renewal is expected to meet the changes of the social and economic structure according to multi-polar roles of the rural village, making the rural working environment, community development, villager space in everyday life as well as social and cultural activities meet the demands of villagers and the changing society on the rural village. In summarize, the rural features and values of folk culture can be understood and affirmed through the extension of citizen participation and the plan for village renewal. In this way, the unique rural vitality and vigor can continue and that villagers can recognize their "hometowns" and attach their affections to them once again, making villagers feel honored with their villages and take pride in living in them.
起訖頁 157-193
關鍵詞 鄉村發展農村社區更新村民參與德國經驗rural development village renewal citizen participation German experience
刊名 農業經濟  
期數 200206 (71期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣與日本農業所得成長收斂之實證分析




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