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Substitution Relationship between Imported Lumber
作者 許景翔胡雪珍
Empirical models were obtained for the Taiwan's demand for lumber imports from the Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, United States, New Zealand, and the rest of the world. The theory consisted of a cost-minimizing aggregate Taiwan's demand for imports and of share equations for each country were not perfect substitutes and there existed different elasticities of substitution between countries.The results showed that long-term elasticity of substitution significantly differed among countries: -1.05( + 0.32) for the Canada, -1.32( + 0.14) for the Indonesia, -0.61(+0.17) for the Malaysia, -1.95( + 0.23) for the United States, -2.13( + 0.24) for the New Zealand. The price elasticity of aggregate demand for lumber imports was -2.95( + 1.17). Own-price and Cross-price elasticities were then obtained from the elasticity of substitution, the share of each country in Taiwan's market, and the elasticity of total imports with respect to price. Own price elasticity ranged from -1.27 for Canada to -2.16 for New Zealand. Cross-price elasticities between individual country were all less than one. It is shown how the effect of two parts: a substitution effect, measuring the price-induced substitution of imports from one country by those from other countries, and a market expansion effect, measuring the impact of the rise in price of particular country on total Taiwan's woodpulp imports.
起訖頁 37-56
關鍵詞 進口需求替代彈性市場佔有率替代效果市場擴張效果 import demand elasticity of substitution substitution effect market expansion effect
刊名 農業經濟  
期數 200112 (70期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
該期刊-上一篇 排放交易、廠商最適投資決策及經濟成長
該期刊-下一篇 台灣貨幣供給與農工產品物價互動關係之驗證




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