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China's Security Policy after the U.S. ''Return to Asia'' Strategy
作者 黃載皓
美國正式啟動了重返亞洲舞臺的戰略,中美兩國為爭奪西太平洋地區的主導權展開了激烈的競爭。如今走到了一個非常重要的關頭,該地區的版圖要一直維持還是調整,如果調整應如何調整。美國的「重返亞洲」戰略是以大亞太視野接近,原本主要關心東北亞地區的美國,如今所關心地區擴大到東南亞甚至南亞和大洋洲。因此,中國認為美國在經濟上像太平洋經濟同盟協會(TPP)一樣把中國排除在外,主導地區經濟秩序;軍事上採取了阻止反介入及區域拒阻戰略(anti-access and area denial: A2AD)的空海戰(airsea battle);外交方面通過同盟國和夥伴關係國家之間的聯繫等恢復亞洲霸權,美國視為這三個方面是戰略核心。陷入進退兩難的韓國,與區域內其他國家一樣,如何在進入西太地區的美國的重返與中國的崛起中確保生存空間以及持續發展和平與繁榮。在美國的重返戰略和中國的崛起之中,韓國的戰略可以圍繞以下幾個 要點思考一下。第一,未來的中美關係在定性和定量上將成為怎樣的關係?;第二,中國將持有怎樣的領導風格?;第三,美國是否繼續遵守對同盟的約定?;第四,最重要的是中國在韓半島統一過程中將扮演什麼角色?在做出與國家命運息息相關的重要選擇時,這些問題對韓國制定中長期對華政策可以說有著舉足輕重的意義。
China and the U.S. have commenced a fierce competition over leadership in the West Pacific. Sino-U.S. competition has reached a very critical stage: should the regional balance of power be maintained or adjusted? If adjustments should be made, how should power be shifted to reflect new order? For China, U.S. intentions are clear: economically, Washington has adopted the TPP as a way to exclude Beijing from the process of regional integration and construct its leadership in regional economics; militarily, Washington has adopted the strategies of anti-access and area denial (A2AD); and in terms of foreign policy, Washington is clearly making an effort to regain its hegemonic status in Asia by establishing or reinforcing relations with states in the region. Like many other states in the region, Korea faces a dilemma: how should Arirang maintain its survival and peace and prosperity between a U.S. that is re-engaging Asia and a rising China. Caught in the moment, Korea's strategy may revolve around the following concerns: first, how would Sino-U.S. relations develop in the future? Second, what kind of leadership style would China boast? Third, would the U.S. keep up with promises to its allies? Fourth and most importantly, what role would China play in the process of unification on the Korean Peninsula. Answers to these questions are important.
起訖頁 133-144
關鍵詞 鍵字:美國重返亞洲韓國中國外交安全政策U.S.Return to AsiaKoreaChinaForeign Policy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201304 (42期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 國際政經情勢對台灣股市影響之研究:以政府國安基金處理機制為例
該期刊-下一篇 依然四面楚歌的中國?




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