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Obama's Asia-Pacific Policy: Perspective from Open Door and Extra-regional Hegemony Strategy
作者 廖顯謨張凱銘
歐巴馬政府自就任以來便逐步將美國的戰略重心由中東轉向亞太地區,從而引起各界的關注與討論;本文試圖對其戰略內容進行審視,並釐清其戰略調整的意義。文中對歐巴馬政府在第一任期中提出的亞太樞紐戰略進行總體檢視,並援用學者萊恩(Christopher Layne)提出的「超區域霸權」戰略與「門戶開放」理念等觀點加以分析。研究發現歐巴馬政府的亞太戰略受到門戶開放理念的驅動,在亞太地區推動自由經貿體系,並致力宣揚民主、人權保障等政治核心價值。這一戰略特質與1940年代以來的美國大戰略相契合,所不同者僅是在重點區域的側重上有所調整,其整摘要/ Abstract歐巴馬政府自就任以來便逐步將美國的戰略重心由中東轉向亞太地區,從而引起各界的關注與討論;本文試圖對其戰略內容進行審視,並釐清其戰略調整的意義。文中對歐巴馬政府在第一任期中提出的亞太樞紐戰略進行總體檢視,並援用學者萊恩(Christopher Layne)提出的「超區域霸權」戰略與「門戶開放」理念等觀點加以分析。研究發現歐巴馬政府的亞太戰略受到門戶開放理念的驅動,在亞太地區推動自由經貿體系,並致力宣揚民主、人權保障等政治核心價值。這一戰略特質與1940年代以來的美國大戰略相契合,所不同者僅是在重點區域的側重上有所調整,其整體戰略仍是對美國傳統戰略路線的沿襲體戰略仍是對美國傳統戰略路線的沿襲。
Since Obama was inaugurated as president of the United States, the strategic focus of his administration has gradually shifted from the Middle East to the Asia-Pacific region, attracting concerns and discussions from all angles. This article examines the Asia-Pacific strategies of the U.S. in order to clarify the significance of the shift in strategies. It does a general review of the strategic plan proposed by and the relevant accomplishments of the Obama administration concerning the Asia-Pacific region during his first term in office and performs an analysis in accordance with Scholar Christopher Layne's extra-regional hegemony theory and open door doctrine. The study finds that the Obama administration's Asia-Pacific strategies are based on the open door doctrine. The administration promotes free trade and free economic systems in the Asia-Pacific region and is devoted to disseminating core political values such as democracy and the protection of human rights, which falls in-line with the U.S. grand strategy since the 1940s, with the only difference being in prioritized areas. The overall strategy continues on the same path traditionally taken by the U.S.
起訖頁 63-90
關鍵詞 大戰略亞洲樞紐戰略超區域霸權戰略門戶開放離岸平衡Grand StrategyPivot to AsiaExtra-regional HegemonyOpen DoorOffshore Balancing
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201304 (42期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 全球金融危機對國際政治的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 中共推動能源外交之背景與政策分析




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