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Looking at the Invisible: The Concept of the Gaze
作者 黃冠華
本文企圖闡釋拉崗理論觀視結構中最重要、也最不可捉摸的「凝視」(the gaze)概念。透過其媒介在主體與他者的建構關係中所扮演的奇異角色,來捕捉「凝視」於觀看過程中不可見、也不能被視見的特質。基於主體進入語言之後必然產生的匱乏狀態,本文根據主體面對此寄生在象徵作用下的終極匱乏所回應的不同心理模式,進一步區分、論證凝視的兩種不同樣態──想像的、不可能的凝視,並且仔細爬梳與凝視相關的想像(fantasy)、慾望(desire)、執爽(jouissance)等概念。藉由這些精神分析的理論性探索,本文不僅凸顯了凝視對於觀視機制運作的必要性,更強調其不可能性與不可見性。而就在主體與凝視所構成的矛盾關係底下,拉崗所建構的理論還原了一個令我們可以持續觀看甚至創造性想像的根本狀況。
This paper is a theoretical endeavor to explicate the elusive and invisible characters of Lacanian 'gaze', as well as the ways that the gaze functions like the object a in the constitutive relationship between the subject and the Other. In addressing the Gaze's significant role that subsists along the function of the Symbolic within Lacan's psychoanalytic framework, this paper further provides the concept of the gaze with specific modalities ('an imagined gaze' and 'an impossible gaze'), manifested in terms of the subject's specific relations to an ultimate lack of such in the Other. To do so precisely, these modalities of psychic economy are also discussed in detail with regards to their relevance to concepts like fantasy, desire and jouissance. What should be mostly emphasized in the conception of Lacanian gaze, as this paper demonstrates, is not only the necessity of its functioning in the scopic register which makes one to see, but also the impossibility of seeing it at all in the ultimate sense of a structural lack. As is shown in Lacan's theoretical edifice, it is this paradoxical encounter between the subject and the gaze that constitutes the very condition in which any creative seeing or imagination becomes possible.
起訖頁 131-167
關鍵詞 想像匱乏凝視FantasyLackGaze
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 200604 (87期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
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