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The Restoration, Continuity, and Fragmentation of Historical Memory in Print Media's Nostalgic Construction of the Native 'Old' Taiwan
作者 李依倩 (Yi-Chien Lee)
This study examines texts featuring nostalgia for the native 'old' Taiwan in books and magazines published in recent years, analyzes their strategies of representation and discursive frameworks, and contextualizes nostalgia within the larger circumstances of contemporary social and cultural changes. The finding suggests that the current nostalgic impulse can be viewed as a conjunction of reactions against historical amnesia as a result of Taiwan's previous martial law and the threat of a postmodern historical crisis. Building upon pop history and collective memory, nostalgia in print media resists the former official discourse on history, attempts to reconstruct a new cultural subjectivity, and provides the myth of continuity in order to overcome the threat of postmodern fragmentation. However, though they reproduce dominant ideologies and are shaped by print media's aesthetic, nostalgia texts tend to over-glorify the past and systematically suppress historical diversities and traumas. This may result in further fragmentation and alienation in society's collective consciousness.
起訖頁 51-96
關鍵詞 懷舊集體記憶常民歷史歷史延續後現代主義NostalgiaCollective memoryPopular histroyHistorical continuityPostmodernism
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 200604 (87期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 愛滋新聞閱讀與對感染者與病患的態度:以針對年輕族群的訊息設計實驗為例
該期刊-下一篇 新聞自由的臨摹與反思




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