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A New Trial Model for Peace in Two Cross-Strait Relations: in Light of Free Associated State
作者 張登及蔡育岱譚偉恩
本文提供一種有別於現行論述兩岸關係的互動模式框架,以所謂「自由聯繫邦」(Free Associated States, FAS)作為一種新「思想實驗」(mental experiment)。其目的在於拋磚引玉,使學界或國人對此相關議題進行超越統獨二元論的再思考,同時冀求在各方對此概念進行辯論的過程中,探索自由聯繫邦概念之適用可能性。此模式係屬於一種「動態主權」(dynamic sovereignty)與「安全委託」(security consignation)形式,傳達了一種對主權認知的轉換與接受。它是一種求同存異方式,不是要去消極擱置主權爭議,而是以維持現狀為基礎,讓兩岸在同一個框架內緊密聯繫,構建類似自由聯繫邦的關係,不使主權凝滯,兩岸有自由進退的選擇。隨著兩岸交流加深,在未來適當的時機,再確定長遠的關係
This article provides one kind to be different with the traditional model of two cross-strait relations. By the so-called Free Associated States (FAS) takes one new choice approach. Its goal offers a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas. Besides, by the article, the authors expect that academic researchers and people can surmount reunified or independent dualism to rethink the possibility and operation of FAS during the process of debate. This model has one kind form of ''the dynamic sovereignty'' and ''the security consignation''; in the meantime, it conveys sovereignty cognition that can be transformed and be accepted to seek common ground while reserving differences. This approach is not to passively lay the sovereignty dispute aside, but to maintain the ''status quo'' as the foundation. On the contrary, let two cross-strait establish the FAS model and make the content of sovereignty in shifting, simultaneously evolve itself with the interflow between cross-strait until the time it fixed to the future direction.
起訖頁 29-51
關鍵詞 自由聯繫邦兩岸關係變動主權安全委託Free Associated StateTwo Cross-Strait RelationsDynamic SovereigntySecurity Consignation
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201107 (35期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 後賓拉登時期歐盟反恐戰略之挑戰
該期刊-下一篇 中國大陸推動公共外交政策之探析




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