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The Impact of China's Beidou Navigation System on National Security and Counterwork of Taiwan
作者 王崑義
China has succeeded to install the Beidou Satellite Navigation System in June 2003, but the fatal flaw of this system failed her to apply it for military purpose; hence, China revised it again in 2006, and later make it more applicable in destination targeting, time service, norm and term definition for the public. In October 2008 China published the 11th 5-year Plan in Aerospace Science and Engineering to ensure that the national team of Aerospace Science and Engineering can fulfill the mission to correct all flaws and mistakes of the Beidou Navigation System. In addition, the team will look forward to strengthen this navigation system to satisfy China and her neighbouring countries. The updated and advanced Beidou Satellite Navigation is expected to perform superiorly than the old model, and this latest system is in the name of Beidou-2; the Beidou-2 is much powerful and applied in military field. Obviously, the Beidou-2 provides the navigation and data-link service for the ground force, navy as well as for Air Force; not surprisingly, this system supports the troop of submarine and cruise missile, either. This paper attempts to analyze the development of Beidou Satellite Navigation System and explain the meaning for the security of the Cross-Strait Relations politically and militarily; furthermore, this paper propose Taiwan government the solutions for counterwork of Beidou Navigation System in order to maintain the military balance of power between China and Taiwan, and protect the national interest of Taiwan from China's military threat.
起訖頁 41-70
關鍵詞 中國軍事中國航太發展制天權北斗衛星導航系統China's MilitaryChina's Aerospace Science and EngineeringAerospace DominanceBeidou Satellite Navigation System
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201104 (34期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從國際關係理論看兩岸和平協議之簽訂
該期刊-下一篇 中共推動兩岸軍事安全互信機制之評析




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