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The Development of Europe and Asia Common Monetary Policy: The Analysis of Comparative Region Approach
作者 王啟明陳怡君 (Yi-Chun Chen)蕭倩琳
區域內的制度運作,不僅影響其內部成員的行為與政策制訂,也會衝擊其他區域的政策推動。以歐元的歷程為例,在歐盟內部不僅是各會員國流通的單一法定貨幣,更是接軌經濟整合的契機,也形塑區域整合的典範,外溢至其他區域,亞洲所推動的共同貨幣政策即有學習歐洲發展的脈絡。本文希冀透過新區域主義(new regionalism)為分析主軸,研究歐洲與亞洲的共同貨幣政策,並試圖比較其發展脈絡與趨勢,藉以理解區域間政策的互動型態。
The prospects for the theory and practice of regionalism in the wake of financial crises provided a key rationale for comparative regionalism. Two particular issues spring to mind: the relationship between ''area studies'' and studies of regionalism and the more specific question of ''EU studies'' in the analysis of the regional processes. Asia region realizes the importance of the financial cooperation of currency inside the district in East Asia after 1997 financial crisis, the Asian Development Bank again puts forward the concept of ''the monetary unit in Asia''(the Asia Currency Unit, ACU) in 2006. After Euro promotes successfully, the Asia Development Bank also expects East Asia region can develop the monetary unit, enhances the development of the regionalism, increases the benefit of the regional integration, so the process the European currency unit policy is the basis of reference. Under the context, I also want to explore the process of international socialization by the index: common interest and state learning. By researching the Europe and Asia monetary policy, I hope to construct the structure of the comparative regional research, and also hope to figure out the solution during the development process of monetary policy in Asia.
起訖頁 117-150
關鍵詞 亞洲貨幣指數比較區域研究歐元Asian Currency Indexcomparative regional researchEuro
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200901 (25期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從建構主義探討形塑中的歐洲認同
該期刊-下一篇 政治經濟學分析架構的三項發展




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