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Analyzing the Development of U.S. National Security Strategy in the Post Cold War Period
作者 曹雄源
隨著冷戰的結束,一超多強的世界格局於焉形成,美國世界強權的地位,已不受任何地區強權的挑戰。在小布希總統上任七個月後,美國發生911事件,使美國本土不再免於被攻擊的信念遭受挑戰,並轉而積極防衛美國本土,小布希總統於2002年6月1日在西點軍校(U.S. Military Academy at West Point)演講提及有關對於恐怖及支持他們的政權之先制攻擊戰略(a preemptive strategy)概念,稱為「布希主義」(Bush doctrine)。而這樣的概念也納入小布希政府「國家安全戰略」之中,此戰略不但將先制攻擊的概念正式化,而且說明保持美國軍事優勢的重要性,同時也闡明假如需要時,美國樂於單邊行動。本文從美國國家安全戰略所揭櫫的三項核心目標出發,剖析其相關意涵。其次,運用現實主義典範、新自由主義,以及民主和平理論解讀美國國家安全戰略的意義,繼之,藉由歸納柯林頓及小布希政府時期國家安全戰略的核心目標,提出後冷戰時期美國國家安全戰略的發展趨趨勢。
With the end of the Cold War, the configuration of one superpower and several great powers has been matured and the hegemonic position of the U.S. is free from any regional challenge. The 911 incident, happened right after 7 months since President Bush assumed the office, shattered the belief that the homeland of the U.S. would never be attacked and drove the security focus to the homeland defense. President Bush's address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York on June 1, 2002 gives notice of what will become the Bush doctrine- a ''preemptive'' strategy of going after terrorists and the regimes that support them before they attack, not waiting to be attacked. This becomes formalized in September 2002 with publication of his administration's U.S. National Security Strategy, which not only makes the case for preemption, but also for the importance of maintaining American military superiority and a willingness to engage in unilateral action, if necessary. This article departs from three core objectives of U.S. national security strategy, applies then the realist paradigm, neoliberalism, and democratic peace theory to interpret the meaning of national security strategy, and indicates the potential tendency of the development of U.S. national security strategy in the post Cold War period by combining the analysis of core objectives of national security strategy from the periods of President Clinton to Bush.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 美國國家安全戰略現實主義典範新自由主義民主和平理論U.S. National Security StrategyRealist ParadigmNeoliberalismDemocratic Peace Theory
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200807 (23期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-下一篇 中國「三戰」內涵與戰略建構




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