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China's Belt and Road Initiative and Korea's Possible Response
作者 黃載皓
自從一帶一路於 2013 年被提出以來,世界各國皆密切關注此計畫的發展,無不希望能透過某種方式和中國的帶路接軌。當然,在中國威脅論持續發酵的情形下,一帶一路也引發許多質疑,尤其是來自美國和日本。作為經貿關係和中國緊密的周邊國家,韓國對一帶一路展現相當的興趣,文在寅政府也暗示透過更多的經貿互動和中國改善關係的可能性。無論如何,儘管韓國國內充斥著大量的相關研究和討論,但對於當前韓國政府外交政策如何與之銜接並形成加乘作用的研究卻很少。有鑑於此,本研究目的先闡明一帶一路倡議的戰略目標和政策工具,接著再確定該倡議與文在寅外交政策之間進行合作、以達到加乘作用的可能領域,並藉此提出相關政策。第二節和第三節將各別分析一帶一路倡議於經濟及戰略方面的動機及挑戰。第四節則對韓國因應一帶一路倡議及改善韓中關係方面,提出一些政策建議。
Since the proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, countries around the world invested much attention to the development of the initiative, in hopes of connecting with China through different ways. As the China threat theory continues to linger, the BRI has generated much suspicion, especially from the US and Japan. As a neighboring country with close economic ties with China, South Korea demonstrated considerable interest while the Moon Jae-In government hinted at the possibility of improving relations with China through increased economic interactions. Nonetheless, despite a large amount of studies and discussions inside South Korea, studies on how the foreign policy of the Moon government can connect with the initiative remains far and few. As such, this article first discusses the strategic goals and policy tools of the BRI before suggesting policies that advance the Moon government's foreign policy. Parts two and three examine the economic and strategic motivations and challenges of the BRI respectively. In the final part, the article raises some policy suggestions concerning South Korea's response to the BRI and the improvement of Korea-China relations.
起訖頁 39-52
關鍵詞 韓國一帶一路文在寅政府經濟發展印太戰略South KoreaBelt and Road InitiativeMoon Jae-In GovernmentEconomic DevelopmentIndo-Pacific Strategy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 202007 (71期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 新冠肺炎疫情擴散下的國際關係發展
該期刊-下一篇 緬甸憲政體制之探討──從翁山蘇姬任國務資政談起




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