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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
An Analysis of Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula |
作者 |
盧信吉 |
中文摘要 |
朝鮮半島無核化進程的演進,說明過去東北亞局勢發展脈絡,輔以二十世紀的兩次世界大戰改變國際環境,其遺留下的核子武器議題,成為當前東亞政治演進的遺緒。過去美國國家安全思維主導了世界的局勢,同時引導東北亞的戰爭與和平,美國成為當代世界局勢中最主要的行為國。中國身為區域內崛起的大國,其東北亞政策隱然成為東北亞區域內的第二項變因。加之北韓政權的核子政策,東北亞地緣政治局勢複雜且多變。本文將從金氏政權發展核子武器的進程說明,朝鮮半島「無核化」政策的發展、困境與未來。 |
英文摘要 |
The denuclearization process on the Korean Peninsula speaks of the development of Northeast Asia in the past seven decades. The issue of nuclear weapons remains a legacy of political developments in the region. US strategic thinking during dominated international relations during the Cold War and influenced war and peace in Northeast Asia. China's rise in the past decades gives Beijing more influence in international relations and makes its foreign policies ever decisive in the region. North Korea's nuclear policy adds to the complicated geopolitical picture in Northeast Asia. This Analysis examines the denuclearization process among the interactor in the foreign policy arena and discusses the development, dilemma and future of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula. |
起訖頁 |
93-109 |
關鍵詞 |
無核化政策、朝鮮半島、核子武器、Denuclearization、Korean Peninsula、Nuclear Weapon |
刊名 |
全球政治評論 |
期數 |
201910 (68期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
理論、層次分析與議題之關聯性研究:從領土爭端到貿易糾紛 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
傳播民粹主義:從歐洲經驗探討民粹訊息如何被行為者、媒體與群眾散播 |