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President Trump's Trip to Asia and the Development of Bilateral Relations between the United States of America and Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines and its Implications
作者 葉長城
2017 年 11 月 3 日至 11 月 14 日,美國總統川普(Donald J. Trump)展開為期 12 天的首次亞洲訪問行程,除依序訪問日本、韓國、中國大陸、越南與菲律賓五國,與各國領袖進行會談外,同時也出席在越南峴港(Da Nang)舉行的 2017 年亞太經濟合作(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC)經濟領袖會議、APEC 企業領袖高峰會(APEC CEO Summit)以及在菲律賓舉行的東協高峰會(ASEAN Summit) 與東亞峰會(East Asia Summit, EAS)等相關會議。鑒於川普總統該次出訪係其上任後首次針對亞洲的訪問,且在 APEC 經濟領袖會議與東協高峰會期間亦與各國領袖政要就各項安全與經貿議題進行討論及互動,其會談議題與後續發展不僅受到亞洲國家的重視,更係國際間關注的焦點。本文在歸納研析美國川普總統「亞洲行」前之亞太情勢;美國川普總統與日、韓、中、越、菲各國領袖會談重點與後續各國雙邊關係發展及其意涵等議題後,主要發現有三: 在第一、強調「美國優先」與以自利為主軸的政策係美國川普政府對外政策的主要特徵之一;惟為反制中國大陸近期的戰略擴張,川普政府已拋出「推動自由印太區域」的倡議加以因應;第二、美國川普政府在經貿上主要強調縮減對外貿易逆差、推動「公帄貿易」與重新修訂對外雙邊及區域貿易協定,使其朝「公帄」、「互惠」的方向發展與;第三、「加強國際解決北韓去核化」、「推動自由印太區域」與「提升美國繁榮」係美國川普總統「亞洲行」強調的三大主軸議題,其未來發展影響亞太區域安全與經貿甚深,後續進展值得持續加以關注。
US President Donald J. Trump launched his first 12-day trip to Asia from November 3rd to November 14th in 2017. In addition to visit and hold bilateral meetings with leaders in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines, President Trump also attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders Summit, APEC CEO Summit, the ASEAN Summit, the East Asia Summit (EAS) and related meetings in the Philippines during his Asia's trip in 2017. President Trump's trip to Asia in 2017 was his first visit to Asia since he took office, and he also discussed and interacted with leaders from Asia-Pacific countries on various security and economic issues. Those issues which were discussed during his trip to Asia and their follow-up development not only attracted close attention from Asian countries, but also became the international focus of discussion. This article summarizes and analyzes the political and economic situation in the Asia-Pacific before President Trump's trip to Asia, the key points of bilateral meetings between President Trump and leaders of Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines, the development of follow-up bilateral relations and their implication, there are three main findings as follows: Firstly, ''America First'' and self-interest oriented policy are two main features of the Trump Administration's foreign policy. Nevertheless, Trump Administration still launched the ''free and open Indo-Pacific initiative'' for countering the recent strategic expansion of China; secondly, on the trade issues, the Trump Administration mainly emphasizes to reduce US foreign trade deficit, amend bilateral and regional trade agreements which US signed with major trading partners and made US foreign trade with trading partners to the direction of being ''fair'' and ''reciprocal''; thirdly, ''to strengthen international resolve in order to address the issues of the North Korea's denuclearization,'' ''to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific region'' and ''to advance American's Prosperity'' are three major issues highlighted by President Trump during his trip to Asia in 2017. The development of these three major issues will affect the regional security and trade deeply in the Asia-Pacific region in the future. Hence, their follow-up progress will be worthy of our further and constant observations.
起訖頁 77-109
關鍵詞 川普「亞洲行」美—日關係美—韓關係美—中關係美—越關係美—菲關係President Trump's Trip to AsiaUS-Japan relationsUS-South Korea relationsUS-China relationsUS-Vietnam relationsUS-the Philippines relations
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201810 (64期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 文金會與兩韓戰略競合分析
該期刊-下一篇 印度和伊朗關係中的美國因素:軟平衡理論視角




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