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The 2017 Military Confrontation between China and India at Donglang: The Observation of Xi Jinping's South Asia Diplomacy from Content Analysis of Chinese Media
作者 呂郁女
中國與印度 2017 年於洞朗地區的邊界對峙,這是 1962 年中印戰爭以來時間最長的一次衝突。在研究衝突時,我們發現中國大陸在邊界地區部署的地面部隊和空軍遠遠少於印度,這形成了低度平衡的狀況,並折射出中國對印度的策略和作為。 本研究分析中央電視台新聞評論欄目,發現中國大陸即令認為印度違反 1890 年《中英會議藏印條約》,從錫金段入侵,且印度並未得到國際輿論的支持,但中國大陸仍採取低姿態,以靜默外交的方式,最終和平解決彼此的糾紛。 一言以蔽之,中國持續關注彼此的經濟建設,更傾向於在經濟方面的合作,而不是軍事上的對峙。就莫迪政府而言,它的選項與中國相似。
The military standoff between China and India in the Donglang Area had been their longest conflict ever since 1962 Sino-India War. While examining the conflict, it was found that the deployment of ground and air force on the side of China was far less than that on the side of India. As a result, it was a kind of underbalancing situation, reflecting China's strategy and behavior toward India. In this research, the analysis of news commentary program of China Central Television during the period of standoff reveals China's strategy and behavior. Although China regards India's invasion through Sikkim as the violation of 1890 Convention of Calcutta and notices the failure of India to win the international supports, China remains to commit to take a low profile and silent diplomacy, and, in the end, strikes a peaceful resolution. In a word, China have paid much attention to economic buildup and preferred to more economic cooperation instead of military confrontation. To Modi government, its options are similar to those of China.
起訖頁 31-58
關鍵詞 中國印度洞朗低度平衡策略與作為媒體ChinaIndiaDonglangUnderbalancingStrategy and BehaviorMedia
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201810 (64期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從中美貿易戰反思WTO制度下台灣維護自身經貿利益之可行策略
該期刊-下一篇 文金會與兩韓戰略競合分析




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