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A Cross Symbol Study: The Blueprint of a Communication Grand Theory Through Inter-Construction between Structure/Action
作者 趙雅麗
跨符號研究之「跨符號」一詞借自「跨文化」中的「跨越」語義意涵,旨在由不同符號體系間「意義如何轉換?」此一特殊命題出發,從不同符號體系間能否轉換、如何轉換的思考過程,去認識、辯證各個符號體系的自身本質,並由此過程「跨越」符號系統自身無法省察的認識侷限。本文指出,由跨符號研究所建構出的「跨符號傳播模式」包含兩個重要特質:第一是強調「結構/行動」兩者間相互建構的本質,第二是強調「結構/行動」兩者間相互認識的機制。而「跨符號傳播模式」更有兩層跨越意涵,一層藉由跨越不同符號體系間的比較,達成對各個符號體系更深入的認識,另一層則是強調在認識行為上,「結構/行動」兩者相互建構與跨越的特質。以「跨符號傳播模式」作為傳播的思維肩架,不僅可完整融合傳播領域之「傳遞模式」(transmission model)與「組構模式」(constitutive model)兩種截然不同的傳播圖像,更可具體提供一個「後設論述」操作平台,作為傳播理論七大傳統彼此間的對話溝通機制,從中發展出傳播巨型理論的藍圖。
The term 'cross symbol' borrows from the 'Cross Culture' study, implying to explore the specific proposition of how meaning is translated between different symbol systems, to recognize, discriminate, and authenticate the nature of each symbol system itself, and to cross the limitation that a symbol system is itself unable to be self-examined.This article points out the cross symbol model containing two significant features: first, to emphasize the nature of inter-construction between structure and action, and second, to stress the mechanism of mutual recognition between structure and action. The communication model of cross symbols also has another two-folded meaning: one is to deepen our recognition and understanding of each symbol system as well as to differentiate the differences among them by cross comparing different symbol systems, and the second is to emphasize the interrelated and inter-constructed nature between structure and action on the basis of epistemology.Using the cross symbol model as a conceptual framework not only can fully integrate two entirely different communication images based on the transmission model with the constitutive model, but it can also provide an operating platform of meta-discourse as a mechanism for dialogues among the seven different traditions of communication theory and further develop a blueprint of a communication grand theory in the process.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 後設模式後設論述口述影像科學傳播跨符號傳播模式傳播巨型理論Meta modelMeta discourseVideo descriptionScience communicationCross-symbol modelCommunication grand theory
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 200601 (86期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-下一篇 網路的功與過:網路使用與政治參與及社會資產關係的探討




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