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A Comparison of U.S. and China's Strategies in the East China Sea and the South China Sea-and Japan's Role on the Controversies
作者 陳亮智
Compared to their severe disputes in the South China Sea (SCS), Washington, Beijing, and Tokyo seemed relatively quiet in the East China Sea (ECS) over the past years. On any matter, however, both the ECS and SCS are critical to the United States (also Japan) and China, geopolitically and strategically. It is interesting to see that Beijing possesses a strategic advantage of de facto occupation and effective control of some of islands in the SCS, but not in the ECS. In contrast, Tokyo (also Washington) holds this advantage in the ECS, but not in the SCS. Furthermore, China's continuing building of manmade bases in the SCS since 2014 has raised difficulties to the United States and Japan to intervene in the SCS dispute. Similarly, not only does Japan control the Diaoyutai Islands/Senkaku Islands well, but also its action is endorsed by the United States and protected under the 1960 U.S.-Japan Security Treaty. This does place a hurdle for China to cross the first island chain in the West Pacific. Based on their advantages and disadvantages in the ECS and the SCS, this paper compares and contrasts Washington and Beijing's strategies toward each other in these two waters. And it also examines Japan's role in U.S-China territorial controversies.
起訖頁 81-103
關鍵詞 東海問題南海問題地緣政治戰略競爭美日同盟the East China Seathe South China Seageopoliticsstrategic competitionU.S.-Japan alliance
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201707 (59期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 軍用機器人與正義戰爭傳統
該期刊-下一篇 緬甸的改革開放與亞太大國關係發展




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