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Geopolitics in Northeast Asia and the Future of Sino-Japan Relations
作者 巴殿君
Since the beginning of the second Abe administration, Japan has adopted the posture of emphasizing the US while containing China. Currently, while the tense relationship between China and Japan has relaxed somewhat, both countries still face a series of highly explosive political issues. If both China and Japan are not cautious enough to manage the politics between them, one can expect China-Japan relations to deteriorate and limit the regional development in Asia. The crux of the problem in China-Japan relations is whether Beijing and Tokyo would both move forward along the path of peaceful development. The future of China-Japan relations lies in strategic reciprocity between the two governments; cooperation remains the key to a constructive relationship between China and Japan in the future. In the circumstance that paradoxes between the two countries will not disappear easily, Beijing and Tokyo must prevent the already complicated relationship between the two countries from becoming even more complicated and giving rise to new challenges.
起訖頁 1-11
關鍵詞 中日關係結構性碰撞安倍談話戰略互惠China-Japan relationsStructural ClashAbe StatementsStrategic Reciprocity
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201703 (特集5期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-下一篇 國際格局變動中之日本對外戰略定位及其調整




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