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Enhancing APEC Guidelines for Advancing the FTAAP
作者 何振生
近來,APEC 強調促進推動 FTAAP 的重要性,並視其比茂物目標(Bogor Goals)更具野心之目標。APEC 試圖透過更進一步的貿易投資自由化、便捷化及經濟與技術合作以強化區域經濟整合。此外,APEC 將TPP、RCEP 及 PA 視為是通往 FTAAP 之途徑,且很有可能會以 FTA 的形式實現 FTAAP。然而,FTAAP 依舊是 APEC 一項不具明確時程的長期目標,而為了促進 FTAAP 也必然要發展出一套指導方針。本文主要目的,則是在 APEC 原則的基礎上探究相關得以推動 FTAAP 的指導方針。
Recently, APEC has emphasized the importance of advancing the FTAAP. The FTAAP can be considered to be more ambitious than the Bogor Goals. APEC is seeking to strengthen regional economic integration through further trade and investment liberalization and facilitation as well as economic and technical cooperation. Moreover, APEC views the TPP, RCEP and PA to be pathways to the FTAAP. There exists the likelihood that the FTAAP could be realized in the form of a FTA. However, the FTAAP continues to be a long-term APEC goal without a clear schedule. The development of a set of guidelines for advancing the FTAAP is warranted. The main purpose of this paper is to determine a set of guidelines for guiding the advancement of the FTAAP in a systematic manner based on APEC principles.
起訖頁 71-84
關鍵詞 茂物目標區域經濟整合APECFTAAPRCEPTPPPABogor GoalsRegional Economic IntegrationAPECFTAAPRCEPTPPPA
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201609 (特集4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 共享經濟與區域經濟整合之關聯性研究
該期刊-下一篇 泰國當前區域整合策略之分析──結構主義的解讀




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