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The Political Economy of Competition in East Asian Economic Integration: A Study of China-Japan-Korea FTA, China-Korea FTA, and RCEP
作者 葉長城
近年來,東亞區域在全球經濟的重要性顯著提升,不僅因為此區域有包括中國大陸與日本等世界第二、三大經濟體的存在,同時也由於該區域過去十年內在經濟整合趨勢上的快速發展,而受到外界高度重視。本文發現,東亞區域經濟整合目前在來自區域內的談判整合動能與區域外的整合競爭壓力影響下,已朝突破現有雙邊格局,加快以全區域為整合範圍之談判步伐的方向發展。但無論是中-韓 FTA、中-日-韓 FTA 抑或 RCEP 談判,目前涉入談判的當事國在其未來各自設定的有限談判時程中,若欲達成具體談判目標,勢必需就各 FTA 所牽涉之政經競合爭議,提出可行的解決或妥協方案,方有可能獲得實質成果。而未來東亞區域經濟整合的走向,是否能夠一如各國預期,快速朝達成實質共識與具體提升區域貿易、服務及投資自由化的方向發展,則有賴各國最後在面臨各項爭議與敏感議題時的政治智慧與政治決定。
In recent years, the status of the East Asian region in the global economy has raised significantly. People paid much attention to evaluate it because not only China and Japan, the world's second and third largest economies are all in this region, but also the development of the regional integration in East Asia was so rapid over the last decade. The East Asian economic integration already broke through the bilateral approach and accelerates its pace to negotiations for the region-wide economic integration. Basically, under the limited negotiating schedules, which were set by negotiating countries respectively, those countries that were involved in negotiations of China-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA), China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CJKFTA), or Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), have to offer feasible solutions or compromising alternatives for resolving different political and economic sticking points among them during processes of FTA negotiations in order to conclude negotiations. In short, the possible future of East Asian economic integration, whether will be on the track to reach a consensus and move to the direction of the quick enhancement of regional trade, services and investment liberalization as expected or not, will mostly depends on those countries, which were involved in FTA negotiations, their political wisdom and decisions in the face of all sticking points and sensitive issues during negotiations
起訖頁 143-174
關鍵詞 區域經濟整合中韓自由貿易協定中日韓自由貿易協定區域全面經濟夥伴協定Regional Economic Integration (REI)China-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA)China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CJKFTA)Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201510 (52期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 北韓的並進路線與對外戰略:持續與轉變
該期刊-下一篇 Yes We Can Change!談非政府組織對抗世界銀行的故事




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